The Branksome Park Bowling Club (BPBC) is a CASC registered club whose membership policy complies with their requirements:

BPBC is a sociable, competitive Bowling Club.  We grant membership within the limitations of the capacity of the green and pavilion, the club admits playing member applicants who demonstrate that they can safely comply with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls and are assessed as being likely to be a positive influence towards achieving the club's playing and other aims and objectives.

For 2021 we currently have a full membership but continue where possible to offer coaching and taster sessions but we cannot guarantee membership.  Our Subscriptions rates are as follows -

Full Playing Member     £190 inclusive of Bowls England and Bowls Dorset affiliation fees
Junior Member
              £30 if under 25 years of age and in full time education/University
                                       £10 if under 16 years of age
Social Member              £25   

If you wish to find out more please contact the Honorary Secretary


Here are some of the questions asked by those thinking of taking up bowls and joining our club.

It looks so simple, just sending a bowl to a jack.  Is there enough in it for me?
Although it's easy to pick up the basic rules of bowls it is in fact a game of infinite variety.  If you have learnt to cope with different weather and green conditions and how to get round all the bowls already at the head or whether to bowl gently to the jack or bowl heavily to get rid of opponents bowls you have only discovered some of the intricacies of this fascinating game.

Roughly how much will it cost?
Bowls is not an expensive sport. It will cost nothing to test the water.  You can come along for some trial games without charge.  Just wear flat soled shoes and comfortable clothes and we will lend you the rest.

Once you join you will need to pay the annual subscriptions shown in the membership section and small additional charges for participating in some events such as £2 for any club competition. You pay nothing for any roll-up session.

You will need a certain amount of equipment and clothing.  A set of bowls costs about £150 or much less if you decide to buy or even borrow a second hand set (a wise choice for a beginner to give yourself time to find the type of bowls that suit you).  Dress code requires grey trousers/skirt and a white shirt/blouse and sweater and flat bowling shoes.  When you participate in Club matches you will need a Club shirt and white and grey trousers/skirt, and possibly wet weather gear.

Can I have a go before I join?
Most certainly.  One of our experienced members will be pleased to show you the ropes and let you have a go, without any obligation. 

Will I be expected to take part in Matches and Competitions?
Most beginners like to start with informal "roll-up" sessions and progress from there.  We are a competitive club and sooner or later as you improve we are sure you will want to experience the competitive atmosphere of league games and club competitions and will volunteer for at least some of the many opportunities to play in these matches.

Can I play with my partner?
There are plenty of opportunities for husbands and wives or other partners to play bowls together or to enjoy the separate men's or ladies' games.